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  • What are Radiology Technologists?

    What are Radiology Technologists?

    Medical imaging plays an integral role in our health journeys, as most of us will require it at some point in our lives. Advanced technologies such as MRI, X-ray, and CT scans allow us to visualize our bones, organs, and blood vessels, aiding in disease diagnosis and ultimately saving lives.

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  • The Role of PET/CT in Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

    The Role of PET/CT in Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

    The field of oncology has seen significant advancements in imaging technology, and PET/CT has emerged as a powerful tool that revolutionizes how we approach cancer diagnosis, staging, and treatment planning.

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  • Back to School Safety: The Role of Imaging in Assessing Injuries

    Back to School Safety: The Role of Imaging in Assessing Injuries

    The school year is underway, and sports are an excellent outlet for managing stress and improving focus for our kids. With the increase in participation, the risk of accidents and injuries is on the rise.

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  • CT Scans and Radiation: Separating Fact from Fiction

    CT Scans and Radiation: Separating Fact from Fiction

    Medical technology has come a long way. We live in a time when we can diagnose and treat diseases earlier than ever. With new technology in radiology and imaging, today’s patients can have clear answers to what is ailing them in record time.

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  • The Importance of Wellness Screenings

    The Importance of Wellness Screenings

    August is National Wellness Month, a reminder to prioritize your health. Studies show that developing and incorporating self-care practices improves stress management, decreases mental health issues, and enhances physical health and longevity.

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